Sunday, July 17, 2011

"Home"- Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

My life has been so crazy lately. I decided to apply to a graphic design program at Chemeketa (Visual Communications) and got accepted! So coming this fall i will be learning how to use all the cool programs for illustrating and learning all the awesome skills for a graphic design career. At least i hope so haha This program will last about 3 years and i can't wait for it. Oh and let me tell you something awesome, I was so excited about finding this program because it made my heart soar. I researched the website of the program and i felt this inspiration and motivation to get into this program, it was crazy. It felt so right. And when i felt that readiness and just knowing i would go crazy without making into it, i had this feeling of confidence. The only way i could describe it was that God gave me this passion and he set me on that path. I had such a great confidence in this path that I wasn't even considering going another way. I don't know if that all makes sense but I just felt great. When i got accepted my best friends, nikki and jill were there and they screamed but i honestly just felt right. I was shocked but another part of me kind of knew it would always be that way. I don't know haha

Also, we're moving back into town! I am soooo extremely happy. We'll finally be back in civilization. We're moving to Keizer with Theresa and Nikki into a town house. It's going to be tough getting used to paying rent but it's so worth it to me.

I am taking one class this summer so i have some free time but mostly i'm working and going to school. I love it. I'm really looking forward to the end part of this summer because I'll be driving, i'll be done with school and one of my favorite people will be able to escape his quarantine haha I can't wait to be out of school in august so i can go on fun adventures with my friends.

So i hope everyone is doing good this summer, mine has bee crazy/good/fun/relaxing haha just like it should be.

1 comment:

  1. that is lovely, dear. so glad you're moving back :) love & miss you & your hugs - good luck w/school & stuff
