Sunday, September 26, 2010

i'm gonna wear tie-dye tomorrow!

I am starting school tomorrow....oh mah gosh. i'm so nervous and excited. i'm kinda scared i wont have time to draw but if i really want to draw i'll draw. So anyways, this picture is just a doodle. I sat my coffee down on a piece of paper and then started drawing on it. So thats that....i'm not gonna sleep tonight i'm so nervous haha oh and i am going on a cruise in a week exactly. oh my gosh i'm excited! anyways, have a beautiful week:)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"confidence" Teddy Geiger

The last week or so has been kinda crazy and full of college juuunk. I'm not even in class yet and i'm sick of it already. I feel like i'm juts dishing out my money all the time. its frustrating but i know it has to happen. Anyways, Thats why i'm posting three photos this time. So i can make up for the lack of postings and the future lack of postings ha. I haven't been under this kind of pressure in a while. So try to give me a break. Enjoy the pictures. i enjoyed drawing them.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

"Brand new day" -Joshua radin

I'm really trying not to feel so needy and clingy. I'm trying to let people pursue a friendship with me instead of it being the other way around. I'm trying to be more a do-er than a sitter. I'm trying to enjoy all that i have with all my heart instead of not being content and wanting something doesn't want to be wanted. It is so hard for me not to reach out when someone doesn't need to reached out to. Anyways, this is a sketchbook entry. enjoy.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"number three"- Ben harper

I think my first year of college is going to be kind of hard. but not just because of the whole using my brain thing. I'm more worried about the people. I mean when i was in high school i was constantly around people i didn't like so i got used to dealing with the shallow friendships and conversations. During this year of not going to school i really only hung out with people i really wanted to actually hang out with. So i think i'll be out of practice when it comes to dealing with people that annoy me and all the shallow people that i'll have to encounter haha we'll see how that goes. Anyways, this is another picture from my sketchbook project. I'm looking for awesome quotes i want to put in the book, so if you have any ideas let me know. You might see them on the next drawing, who knows.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"hold on to what you believe"- Mumford and sons

Do you know that feeling when you've got your hopes up, then something happens that causes you to lose hope for a split second? Then that moment makes you question the thing you had hope for? And your mind is running around saying "Wait, what does that mean?" "Why am i going crazy over this?" Maybe i'm alone in that ha I just feel like i can be so sure of something until i'm not, ya know? There are some things that i can always be sure of though. Like My parents, i can always be sure that they'll love me until eternity decides to stop being eternity. Then there's Nikki and Theresa, they're stuck with me forever. Not litterally like they have to stay with me forever. But more like i know they'll be my family forever. And of course God. He's a cool dude. I love him. Anyways, I think i need to grow up a little more so i'm not so insecure about certain things. I'm workin on it. Ok so this is another drawing in my "sketchbook preject" sketchbook. Enjoy.

Friday, August 27, 2010

"falling slowly"- The swell season

I finished this picture a few days ago but i haven't really made the time to post it on here. Sorry about that. Kinda disappointed with a few things right now but i guess disappointment is part of life. Luckily i've got a lot of things that make up for the not so awesome parts of life.
For example, i have such a great family. I was reminded of that the other day by a friend of mine and i kind of just said "yeah i know." but really they are a great family. They support and encourage and respect and love with all their hearts. When i say family i mean my mom, my dad, Theresa and nikki and of course my brother. They all love to love. I can't help but feel proud of how wonderful they are. Another great thing in my life is my friends. I have a handful of really close friends and i am blessed daily by them. I mean i get to see my life long friend Nikki everyday and everyday is a new adventure with her. She's silly and supportive. Then there's jill, she can't help but everyone warm and happy. She's the best best friend anyone could ask for. There's also Rachel wiley. We've been friends for...i dunno since like 6th grade? well she's just wonderful, she always brings a smile to my face and we always go on fun adventures or stay home and watch a weird movie. Then there's Kristin, my "just like my sister" friend. She probably wouldnt even like that i said friend but thats just the way i describe it to other people. She is like the person i can talk to about anything, ANYTHING. She listens and i dump all my junk on her. The crazy thing is she keeps letting me come back to talk haha i love her. Who else...oh yeah, there's arriel who i can always depend on to text me. Always text me haha she definitely keeps me entertained. She's really special though because she's the one who pushed me to actually follow through with my try out for choir. If it wasn't for her, highschool would have been just something to get over with. MY choir years were so wonderful. I met my best friend in that class and made alot of the friends i still talk to today. MY life is blessed to the brim. I've got it great but when things get bad i have them.. In life there's the shit times, and they suck a lot of the happiness out. But when that happens you just gotta look to the people you know will lend a hand to lift you out of the sadness. I've got those people and i'm never gonna let them go. I wont be posting this weekend til like saturday night or sunday. Enjoy your weekend friends:)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

bring it

So this is obviously for my grandma. I finished this in one day. i had to RUSH like crazy to finish this in time ha. enjoy.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

no music this time

This is the second drawing i've done in the sketch book project. i whipped this picture out soo fast it was crazy. I kind of decided to turn this blog into a drawing/ "what is katie feeling today" blog. I was laying bed thinking the other day and i kinda realized something. I am always trying to be someones best friend. Anytime i make a new friend i find my selftrying my best to be their best friend. Its not a completely terrible thing but the reason i need to change that about my self is the fact that when this new friend doesn't want or need a best friend it kind of breaks my friend heart. i realize this makes me sound like a clingy friend but really i just care alot. I'm a sucker for being a bestfriend, but it sucks to realize "Oh hey, they don't really need me to their bestfriend." So i'm going to try not to be so much that way. Not that i'm not going to be my self, but i'm just gonna try to be me and see what kind of friend i need to be. If i'm just the friend that someone says "hey" to in the store, thats cool. Or maybe i'm the friend you go to coffee with every few weeks, i'll be ok with that. Or maybe i'm your bestfriend, thats awesome too. Either way, i want to be the best at whatever kind of friend you need me to be....i dont know if all or any of this made any sense. Its just something i was feeling.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"winter winds"- Mumford and Sons

Well this picture took far too long for my taste. I started a new one right after i finished this little beauty. There isn't much to say about this picture. Anyways, this week has been suuuuch a great week. I went to coffee with one of my old friends, Savannah. It went so good. I love catching up with old friends. I love seeing others change and grow into great people. I can't express in words how much i love it. Also this friday my dad is having a wack at comedy. He's doing his first stand up comedy night!!! i am so stinkin excited. Well...enjoy, my friends!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"English house"-Fleet foxes

Today's picture is a picture from a few days ago. It has been one of those super hot days when nothing sounds fun except maybe being drenched with cold ice water. My crazy family and i decided we'd all go outsidw and wash our cars (i dont have a car so i helped spray the cars) It was such a great fun time. I also finished the tattoo design i've working on. Well i'm hot and tired. I hope your day has been as memorable as mine :)

Friday, August 13, 2010

"I am still here"- Damien Jurado

ok so i checked out tumblr and it looks cool....i was thinking of changing over to that. it might be alot of work and confusion but their layout is waaay cooler...i'm still thinking about it. Who knows. I'm going to a movie in a bit so i'll keep thinking about it through the movie. let me know what you think, i think i fixed the comment thing.

"That sea, the gambler"- Gregory Alan Isakov

I watched A Series Of Unfortunate Events yesterday and it is a beautiful movie. i loved it. I've seen it before but this time it was much more wonderful. I'm designing someone's tattoo and its definitely stretching me cause she wants wings and i'm not the kidn of drawler that draws wings realistic or anything. So i've been having to work at it and it will turn out great by the time i finish but right now i'm just struggling.

Ya know that feeling when someone says they'll do something and even though they say they will you know they wont, but there's still a small part of you that hopes it'll happen? I hate that feeling. I'm all for hope and all that jazz but sometimes you just gotta realize They're never gonna change and your hope can just go use itself on somthing worth hoping for....that sounded kinda terribly dark and mad. Sorry. I've just been dealing that lately. Sadly i've never been one for giving up on someone so luckily i have lots of hope. This picture down here is a list of things i appreciate. i made it like a month and a half ago but they still apply.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

This is far.

If you're cool enough to recognize the background i wont have to explain it to you, but to the ones that don't get the urban outfitters magazine these are a couple pages from that. I thought they might enhance the awesome picture i have here and i was right haha I love this picture. Not because its supremely better than anything ele but because my brother worked on it with me. He added a few doodles to my drawing. I have to say my brother is really cool. I used to get annoyed with him for small things like siblings do, but i think since he's moved out and i've grown up a little more i have been able to appreciate just how splendid he really is. I'm not saying he's a saint and he doesn't get on my nerves anymore but through out this year probably i've realized just how much i love my brother.

In other news, here are my two favorite objects right now. My purple vans and some really cool glasses. These shoes are just a great piece of sumshine haha and these glasses, oh these glasses. I decided to see what i looked like with glasses and guess what i discovered! i look adorable in glasses, i do say so myself. i guess i should let you judge.
So there they are. i love them. Anyways, this is a long post. I wish i was one of those cool people who's good at saying one sentence and being good with that. Sadly i'm not one of those people. I always fill the page with long descriptions and sayings and just words. I'm not good at simplicity....why am i telling you this? who knows. ok ummm enjoy this post.

Not such a lovely picture.

So some smarty pants gave me the idea of posting something everyday. Even if the picture sucks i should do it. Here it is. I am soooo completely sad about this. Its completely ridiculous.
I can't believe i even posted it. I'll post something better later and the next "everyday drawing" will be extremely better. I'm sorry about this....its terrible ha

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I just finished this lovely drawing like two minutes ago....i feel like i rushed the last little because i just needed to get it done, i just hope my friend Katya enjoys it. In other news, i played with a tattoo gun today, That was soo fun. Can't wait to see where that goes. Well Enjoy.

Money money money

So I've got a few projects going on right now. 1) I'm working on a picture for a friend who is paying me for the piece of art. She gave me two quotes to put in the picture and i worked on it from there. I'm still in the process of drawing and perfecting the beauty but it'll be up here soon enough.
2) as you can see i have put a little sketch in this post. This is the final drawing of my desired tattoo. The quote will be at the center of the tree and i want them to be in cursive but i'm not any good at cursive so i'll let the tattoo artist play with it. here's a link to the song the quote came from, i love these guys. oh and another bit of great news in the tattoo world, my awesomely artist father dearest got his first tattoo gun! So maybe i'll be getting this done sooner than i think:) I'm excited. He's planing on getting certified.
3) What else is going on right now....oh yeah. I signed up for this thing called the Sketchbook project. Here's a link to the website so i dont have to describe the awesomeness.
So i will be scanning all those drawings on here as well. i am so stinkin excited about this.
Thanks for keeping up with the blog:)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

this is a post.

Here it is. Done. I dont have anything insightful and cool to say so i'll just tell you what i've been up to. I am enrolled at Chemeketa...again. I babysit once a week. wahoo..not. ummm i like Documentaries about art and random junk. and thats it ha enjoy the picture.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I'm not quite finished...

The title is pretty obvious....but i'm not finished yet. I wont be posting again till Sunday or Monday because I'm going to be busy til then. Sorry about that inconvenience. Please enjoy the work in progress.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

ball point pen pictures.

Hey! I have many great excuses for not posting in a long while but i'll only make you read a couple. First, I've been reading alot and its been a wee bit difficult to pull myself from the books to draw something spectacular. What hase CreatieKatie been reading, you may ask. Well recently i re-read the 7th harry potter book because i am so completely excited about the movies coming out. Then after i finished that book my dad got me super hooked on the "Percy Jackson" series. So i decided to pull my head out of the pages and draw a picture or two. Excuse number two: Our main computer, that i usually use for scanning, has been down and i didn't have the brains to realise 'HEY! i can use our laptop!' so we finally got the printer installed and WAM here's the pictures. I got about half way through this top picture and ran out of inspiration until one day when i was looking through the documentaries on netflix (Yes, i watch documentaries...alot) and i found this really cool documentary called "Beautiful Losers" It was about a bunc of artists talking about how they became so inspired by other artists in the '90's. you should check it out. So very inspiring. After that Documentary i had finished my two pictures. I hope you enjoyed this LOOONG post as well as the two pictures.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Excuses for not posting.

Hey guys! Sorry its been so long since a posting. Its been kinda busy around here. Got to be in the wedding of my wonderful friends Alex and Bryce. I've been busy with that as well as busy designing my first tattoo. I'll post it on here when i get the final draft done. This drawing is for a new friend of mine, Elise. She's super cool, does photography and it was her birthday. So what does Creatie Katie do? i make draw her a picture haha well, enjoy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

This is Summer i guess...

I dont have a drawing today but i thought i'd share some thoughts. I recently saw a rrreally cute little calendar at a boutique. It inspired me to want to make my own version. So hopefully i'll have some ideas for that soon. Plus my dad keeps telling me i should do a coloring book. Maybe a calendar and a coloring book are in my future art projects. Thanks for keeping up with the blog. It encourages me like crazy.

Friday, June 18, 2010

haaaappy birthday

It was my buddy Arriel's birthday...obviously. so here's her picture. yep. ok i have a cold so i don't want to write anything haha sorry.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

i found this half done...

I found this half done picture in my folder of art and decided to finish it. I can't precisely remember what i was crossing my fingers for....but i have a feeling it had something to do with skype. I'm not sure. Enjoy.

Texas has horrible weather, remember that.

I did this for one of my favorite people because she's going back to Texas and she wont be back in the beautiful state of Oregon for a while. I wish her the best of luck in all her adventures this year...too bad she wont be having any adventures with me. Poor her haha Click the pic to take a closer look, if you like.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Birthday gift

Well my friend Mari has been after me for some time now to draw her a picture and today is her brithday so here it is:) happy birthday Mari!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My favorite pens are dying....

I think i'll need to get new pens after this picture even though it seems like i just bought them. They're slowly drying out or just running out of ink. It feels like someone is sucking the ink out of them....I geuss its a good thing because i have other things i should be doing instead of drawing during all my free time. So it might be a while till i post a new one.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

This started as a black line on a white sheet of paper.

Sometimes there are disappointments in life and then there are times when it seems like disappointments are lurking around every corner. I decided to draw this because I just hit a string of disappointments and even though there are numerous disappointments in life, there are also miracles and happiness around the corner. Its ok to be upset about being let down, you just can't forget the things in your life that bring a smile to your the picture to take a closer look.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Doing more.

Sometimes life gets me down and the stress feels like its wrapping its bony fingers around my creative throat. I pushed through and did this picture while watching stress fold out in the Jack Bauer world haha Enjoy.

Saturday, May 29, 2010


So i thought i'd share a few pictures i've done for my friends. Some i did for birthdays, or because they asked for a picture or just because i felt like it. i hope you Enjoy them. Click on the picture to take a look see.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Let's fight!

I drew some pictures for a few of my friends birthday presents and i forgot to scan them to the computer so you get to enjoy an old doodle of mine. It started out as a squiggle...yes i was playing the squiggle game by myself but look at the great picture i got out of it. Click on the pic if you wanna take a closer look.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

So lets try this again...

There are a few things i'd like to share. First, i failed at my original blog and second, this one will be better. My drive to draw came from my hate for math and trying to entertain my fellow math haters. I didnt realize i loved to draw until i realized i was actually good at math. So i gave up on hating math and picked up drawing for fun. I was raised in an environment of art and creation. My Dad likes to draw and paint while my Mom is musically creative, She likes to play her guitar and write music. I wouldn't be anywhere near where i am without them...not that i'm anywhere yet, but i soon will be. If there is a blank piece of paper in front of me I can't help but draw a little doodle, so you might see some of those or maybe full pages. Anyways, this is where i'll share my drawings, maybe a few words and hopefully you'll feel free to tell me what you think.

Click on the photos..they're waaay better close up.