Monday, January 31, 2011

baby steps.

Well today has been lovely. I woke up with the voice of an old lady that has been smoking for 50 years and a terribly congested chest but i fought all that crap and went job searching. Not sure if going to four places right by each other is the same as job searching but it's a lot for me. I had an epiphany last night that i was pissed off about the fact that i don't have a job and sadly i don't have my license. So i decided i would do something about it and i did. What i've done hasn't payed off yet but it's a step for me. I walked home after the "job search" and felt like i had ran 3 miles because of my damn cold, but i think i'm getting better. Anyways, today has been good and people have said "I'm proud of you" so to me today was a success. For the first time in my life i have actually felt an utter need to grow up and become something other than just nice katie with a good sense of humor and a great encourager. I still want to be all of those things but i want to be more. More accomplished and successful and well rounded. future me here i come.

Oh and this is one of my favorite people today. That person on the right, not me haha

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Well what do we have here....

Haven't been on here since before my first term in college(which has only been like5 months?) Well i started a cool thing where i eve's drop at school and draw what i hear. This is one of the many drawings. This second term hasn't been as interesting as the first one but that might have something to do with the fact that i'm only taking one class, Writing. I hope i haven't lost anybody because i've been away for so long. I have to admit that i kind of gave up on this little blog when a friend of mine said "check out tumblr, It's great!" so i did and never looked back...until now. I've got lots of drawings to share so i'll be doing that soon enough. I've also got a lot to say but not sure how to say it so you'll have to bear with me as i figure out how to speak ha Anyways, i'm going to try to be on this thing more often. Enjoy.